Let’s keep Teton Valley a strong, rural community.

People often struggle to see how local government touches their lives. Whether you’re a commuter, parent, farmer or outdoor enthusiast, you need to know why voting for a new county commissioner matters. If elected, Emma will . . .

Keep working toward a strong community where . . .

  • Our workforce is able to live locally.

  • Children, families, and older adults have the care they need.

  • Local businesses thrive and can pay a living wage.

Keep respecting our rural heritage so that . . .

  • Farmers and ranchers have a viable future.

  • Natural resources like water and wildlife are protected.

  • All can enjoy our beautiful landscape and vibrant downtowns.

Emma Ray canoeing the Teton River in Teton County, Idaho.

Let’s work together.

Emma believes that Teton Valley can remain the strong, rural community we all love for generations to come–but only if our local leaders commit to bringing the community together to address the challenges we’re facing.

As a county commissioner, she will listen to all perspectives with compassion and curiosity, make decisions based on what’s best for the county as a whole, and help empower the public to get more involved in their local government.

Learn more about Emma’s take on what being an excellent county commissioner means, or reach out to Emma directly to share your perspective on local issues.