Vote Emma Ray
for Teton County Commissioner

Let’s work together to keep Teton Valley, Idaho, the strong, rural community we know and love.

Emma Ray, a resident of Teton Valley, Idaho, is running for Teton County Commissioner.

Teton Valley is changing fast.
We can make a difference at the local level.

We take amazing care of one another in our tight-knit Teton Valley community.

Teton County is full of kind and hard-working people, inspiring scenery, and vibrant cultural opportunities. But we also have needs.

Purple circle with white checkmark.

Childcare for working families

Affordable housing

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Support for farms and businesses

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Protection of natural resources

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What community members are saying about Emma.

Want to endorse Emma? Email your supportive words.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”

- Margaret Mead

Help elect Emma. Donate today!

Emma's vision for Teton County, Idaho, involves protecting the environment and supporting agriculture..

Emma knows being a county commissioner is a job that requires dedication and time commitment.

Learn more about her vision for Teton Valley and what Teton County Commissioners do.


Agriculture and the Environment

Work and Family

Health and Safety

Emma Ray has experience with nonprofits, working in education, doing community service, and with local farming.

Community matters.

Strong communities that work together and grow their partnerships are resilient and thriving communities. Emma’s background demonstrates that she cares deeply about including everyone in our community. She has experience in many areas.



Community service

Local farming

Contact Emma.

Whether you want to share what you care about or get involved in her campaign, she would love to connect with you.